Azure White


Granted such a simple choice
But with no courage to voice
I fall short of adhering
To this ultimate calling
How can there be any hope
And how will I learn to cope
When I am so quick to bring
Judgment on those who are weak?
Endlessly exalting my existence
All without admitting to indifference
How can I
Say that I’ve
Done my part if
I’ve never even tried?
All this effort I’ve wasted
Attempting to just fake it
Never reaching set simple goals
Unknowingly falling in black holes
No different from the others
Yet too prideful to uncover
Putting on a mask to hide
What truly lives on the inside
Looking at all their flaws
Forcing them to obey the laws
Condemning them all when
I’m the one that’s fallen
There is no difference
Between me and them

This one is about acknowledging the fact that just because I am a Christian, doesn't make me any better or different than non-believers. I am still a sinner just like everyone else on this earth. We should not place ourselves higher than those who simply need guidance to find the truth. And like the chorus says, how can we as Christians say that we've done our job by spreading the gospel of Christ if we don't even try in the first place? We shouldn't attempt to hide behind a mask of righteousness and perfection. Even if you are able to, eventually what is truly on the inside will be revealed when that mask becomes transparent to others. Before pointing out everybody else's flaws and imperfections, we need to take a step back and review our own flaws and recognize and acknowledge them.

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