Azure White

Author Update 1

Currently working on 2 new poems. One is titled Defiant Youth and the other is titled America’s Number One Enemy.

I now have a Twitter account and will attempt to post my poems there.

I also now have an account on All Poetry if you want to go check that out. It’s @AzurWhite. I’ll pretty much be posting stuff on there that I’ve already posted here on Poeticous. My account name for All Poetry is also Azur White. I prefer Poeticous though because I don’t exactly agree with some of the readers’ critiques on my poems; they can be slightly discouraging, even though they’re probably just trying to help. But I still encourage you all to try All Poetry out. It’s a far more massive site where you can enter writing contests and receive points for completing specific actions.

I will be posting special “hidden” poems soon. Think of it as an online scavenger hunt. I will be making a second account on Poeticous and there I will post poems exclusive to that account only. I’ll be changing the new account name and picture, although the picture is slightly similar to the one I have on this account. If you think you’ve found it, click on it and if the user’s biography/description mentions “hidden poems”, you have found it:)

Otras obras de Azure White...
