I think your going to want to sit down for this:
I just got off the phone with our Mother and she was crying hysterically. I asked her, “Mother what is wrong?” When she spoke I heard all the sadness pouring out in her voice. She said, "My son our home what happened to our home?! All I have given to you you have poisoned. The water is no longer safe to drink and the food is not what I gave you to eat. The air is no longer fresh. The land is no longer safe. You have given make-believe power and make-believe trust to make these pretend laws and pretend freedom. This home is not for sale, yet it is not yours to sell. Where have all the trees gone? Where are the plants? WHY are all these children fighting and killing each other? I need for all of you children to come together and take back our home, clean it up, make it a pure home once again. This home is not yours it is your children’s and their children’s home. Its time we live together as a family, just as we are, and get to know each other not live away from each other in fear. I need my kids to be my kids again. and our land be our land again