It was a knight of the southern la… Rode forth upon the way When the birds sang sweet on eithe… About the middle of the May. But when he came to the lily-close…
Oak. I am the Roof-tree and the Keel; I bridge the seas for woe and weal… Fir. High o’er the lordly oak I stand,
Masters in this hall, hear ye news… Brought from over the sea and ever… Nowell, nowell, nowell, nowell sin… Holpen are all folk on Earth, bor… Nowell, nowell, nowell, nowell sin…
Of Heaven or Hell I have no powe… I cannot ease the burden of your f… Or make quick-coming death a littl… Or bring again the pleasure of pas… Nor for my words shall ye forget y…
Lo from our loitering ship a new l… Toothed rocks down the side of the… And black slope the hillsides abov… And a peak rises up on the west fr… Foursquare from base unto point li…
It was Goldilocks woke up in the… At the first of the shearing of th… There stood his mother on the hear… And of new-leased wheat was little… There stood his sisters by the que…
A STORY FROM THE LAN… At Deildar-Tongue in the autumn-t… So many times over comes summer ag… Stood Odd of Tongue his door besi… What healing in summer if winter b…
The doomed ship drives on helpless… All that the mariners may do is do… And death is left for men to gaze… While side by side two friends sit… Friends once, foes once, and now b…
Wearily, drearily, Half the day long, Flap the great banners High over the stone; Strangely and eerily
Love is enough: ho ye who seek sav… Go no further; come hither; there… And these know the House of Fulfi… These know the Cup with the roses… These know the World’s Wound and…
Love is enough: though the World… And the woods have no voice but th… Though the sky be too dark for dim… The gold-cups and daisies fair blo… Though the hills be held shadows,…
Day. I am Day; I bring again Life and glory, Love and pain: Awake, arise! from death to death Through me the World’s tale quick…
Love is enough: have no thought fo… If ye lie down this even in rest f… Ye who have paid for your bliss wi… For as it was once so it shall be… Ye shall cry out for death as ye s…
Love is enough: while ye deemed hi… There were signs of his coming and… His touch it was that would bring… When the summer was deepest and mu… In his footsteps ye followed the d…
am the handmaid of the earth, I broider fair her glorious gown, And deck her on her days of mirth With many a garland of renown. And while Earth’s little ones are…