They mock my toil—the nymphs and a… And whence this fond attempt to wr… Love-songs in language that thou l… How dar’st thou risque to sing the… Say truly. Find’st not oft thy pu…
Learn ye nations of the earth The condition of your birth, Now be taught your feeble state, Know, that all must yield to Fate… If the mournful Rover, Death,
No strength of nature can suffice To serve the Lord aright: And what she has she misapplies, For want of clearer light. How long beneath the law I lay
Could I, from Heaven inspired, as… To whom the rising year shall prov… As I can number in my punctual pa… And item down the victims of the p… How each would trembling wait the…
Almighty King! whose wondrous han… Supports the weight of sea and lan… Whose grace is such a boundless st… No heart shall break that sighs fo… Thy providence supplies my food,
’Twas a long journey lay before us… When I and honest Heliodorus, Who far in point of rhetoric Surpasses every living Greek, Each leaving our respective home
If Gideon’s fleece, which drenche… White moisture none refreshed the… Might fitly represent the Church,… With heavenly gifts to heathens no… In pledge, perhaps, of favours fro…
They call thee rich—I deem thee p… Since, if thou darest not use thy… But savest only for thine heirs, The treasure is not thine, but the…
At morn we placed on his funeral b… Young Melanippus; and, at eventid… Unable to sustain a loss so dear, By her own hand his blooming siste… Thus Aristippus mourn’d his noble…
Oh loved! but not enough—though de… Than self and its most loved enjoy… None duly loves thee, but who, nob… From sensual objects, finds his al… Glory of God! thou stranger here…
’Tis folly all—let me no more be t… Of Parian porticos, and roofs of… Delightful views of nature, dresse… Enchant no longer this indifferent… The Lord of all things, in his hu…
To tell the Saviour all my wants, How pleasing is the task! Nor less to praise Him when He gr… Beyond what I can ask. My laboring spirit vainly seeks
Hayley, thy tenderness fraternal s… In our first interview, delightful… To Mary and me for her dear sake… Such as it is has made my heart th… Though heedless now of new engagem…
(Ezekiel, XXXVI. 25-28) The Lord proclaims His grace abro… “Behold, I change your hearts of… Each shall renounce his idol-god, And serve, henceforth, the Lord a…
Silent I sat, dejected, and alone… Making in thought the public woes… When, first, arose the image in my… Of England’s sufferings by that s… How death, his fun’ral torch and s…