(Ezekiel, XLVIII.35) As birds their infant brood protec… And spread their wings to shelter… Thus saith the Lord to His elect, “So will I guard Jerusalem.”
An Oyster, cast upon the shore, Was heard, though never heard befo… Complaining in a speech well worde… And worthy thus to be recorded:— Ah, hapless wretch! condemn’d to d…
To purify their wine some people b… A lamb into the barrel, and succee… No nostrum, planters say, is half… To make fine sugar, as a negro’s b… Now lambs and negroes both are har…
The Lord receives his highest pra… From humble minds and hearts since… While all the loud professor says Offends the righteous Judge’s ear… To walk as children of the day,
What Nature, alas! has denied To the delicate growth of our isle… Art has in a measure supplied, And winter is deck’d with a smile. See, Mary, what beauties I bring
The billows swell, the winds are h… Clouds overcast my wintry sky; Out of the depths to Thee I call,… My fears are great, my strength is… O Lord, the pilot’s part perform,
With no rich viands overcharg’d,… Health, which perchance you want,… But wherefore should thy Muse tem… From what she loves, from darkness… Art thou desirous to be told how w…
Lord, my soul with pleasure spring… When Jesu’s name I hear: And when God the Spirit brings The word of promise near: Beauties too, in holiness,
A poet’s cat, sedate and grave As poet well could wish to have, Was much addicted to inquire For nooks to which she might retir… And where, secure as mouse in chin…
I am just two and two, I am warm,… And the parent of numbers that can… I am lawful, unlawful—a duty, a fa… I am often sold dear, good for not… An extraordinary boon, and a matte…
Jesus! where’er Thy people meet, There they behold Thy mercy seat; Where’er they seek Thee, Thou art… And every place is hallow’d ground… For Thou, within no walls confine…
From right to left, and to and fro… Caught in a labyrinth you go, And turn, and turn, and turn again… To solve the mystery, but in vain; Stand still, and breathe, and take…
God moves in a mysterious way, His wonders to perform; He plants his footsteps in the sea… And rides upon the storm. Deep in unfathomable mines
Almighty King! whose wondrous han… Supports the weight of sea and lan… Whose grace is such a boundless st… No heart shall break that sighs fo… Thy providence supplies my food,
Thy mansion is the Christian’s he… O Lord, Thy dwelling place secure… Bid the unruly throng depart, And leave the consecrated door. Devoted as it is to Thee,