Other stones the era tell, When some feeble mortal fell; I stand here to date the birth Of these hardy sons of earth. Which shall longest brave the sky,
(Matthew, XIII.3) Ye sons of earth prepare the ploug… Break up your fallow ground; The sower is gone forth to sow, And scatter blessings round.
Far from the world, O Lord, I fl… From strife and tumult far; From scenes where Satan wages sti… His most successful war. The calm retreat, the silent shade…
(Proverbs, VIII. 22-31) “Ere God had built the mountains, Or raised the fruitful hills; Before he fill’d the fountains That feed the running rills;
Thus Italy was moved—nor did the… Æneas in his mind less tumult feel… On every side his anxious thought… Restless, unfix’d, not knowing whi… And as a cistern that in brim of b…
Time was when I was free as air, The thistle’s downy seed my fare, My drink the morning dew; I perch’d at will on every spray, My form genteel, my plumage gay,
I sing the Sofa. I who lately san… Truth, Hope, and Charity, and tou… The solemn chords, and with a trem… Escaped with pain from that advent… Now seek repose upon an humbler th…
The Saviour, what a noble flame Was kindled in his breast, When hasting to Jerusalem, He march’d before the rest. Good will to men, and zeal for Go…
God of my life, to Thee I call, Afflicted at Thy feet I fall; When the great water-floods prevai… Leave not my trembling heart to fa… Friend of the friendless and the f…
O Lord, my best desire fulfil, And help me to resign Life, health, and comfort to Thy… And make Thy pleasure mine. Why whould I shrink at Thy comman…
Muse—hide his name of whom I sing… Lest his surviving house thou brin… For his sake into scorn, Nor speak the school from which he… The much or little that he knew,
(Ezekiel, XLVIII.35) As birds their infant brood protec… And spread their wings to shelter… Thus saith the Lord to His elect, “So will I guard Jerusalem.”
(John, XXI.16) Hark my soul! it is the Lord; ’Tis Thy Saviour, hear His word; Jesus speaks and speaks to thee, “Say poor sinner, lovst thou me?
Dear Joseph,—five and twenty year… Alas! how time escapes—’tis even s… With frequent intercourse and alwa… And always friendly we were wont t… A tedious hour,—and now we never m…
There is a bird who, by his coat And by the hoarseness of his note, Might be supposed a crow; A great frequenter of the church, Where, bishop-like, he finds a per…