Sun! stay thy course, this moment… Suspend the o’er flowing tide of d… Divulge not such a love as mine, Ah! hide the mystery divine; Lest man, who deems my glory shame…
Dear Lord! accept a sinful heart, Which of itself complains, And mourns, with much and frequent… The evil it contains. There fiery seeds of anger lurk,
In painted plumes superbly dress’d… A native of the gorgeous east, By many a billow toss’d; Poll gains at length the British… Part of the captain’s precious sto…
A spaniel, Beau, that fares like… Well fed, and at his ease, Should wiser be than to pursue Each trifle that he sees. But you have killed a tiny bird,
This is the feast of heavenly wine… And God invites to sup; The juices of the living Vine Were press’d to fill the cup. Oh! bless the Saviour, ye that ea…
Believe it or not, as you choose, The doctrine is certainly true, That the future is known to the M… And poets are oracles too. I did but express a desire,
William was once a bashful youth; His modesty was such, That one might say (to say the tru… He rather had too much. Some said that it was want of sens…
How many between east and west, Disgrace their parent earth, Whose deeds constrain us to detest The day that gave them birth! Not so when Stella’s natal morn
What thousands never knew the road… What thousands hate it when ’tis k… None but the chosen tribes of God Will seek or choose it for their o… A thousand ways in ruin end,
Hatred and vengence—my eternal por… Scarce can endure delay of executi… Wait with impatient readiness to s… Soul in a moment. Damned below Judas; more abhorred…
A hermit (or if ‘chance you hold That title now too trite and old), A man, once young, who lived retir… As hermit could have well desired, His hours of study closed at last,
Sin enslaved me many years, And led me bound and blind; Till at length a thousand fears Came swarming o’er my mind. “Where,” said I, in deep distress…
Oh that those lips had language!… With me but roughly since I heard… Those lips are thine’thy own swe… The same that oft in childhood sol… Voice only fails, else, how distin…
There is in souls a sympathy with… And as the mind is pitch’d the ear… With melting airs, or martial, bri… Some chord in unison with what we… Is touch’d within us, and the hear…