Ye linnets, let us try, beneath th… Which shall be loudest in our Mak… In quest of some forlorn retreat… For all the world is blind, and wa… That God alone should prop the si…
Ancient dame, how wide and vast To a race like ours appears, Rounded to an orb at last, All thy multitude of years! We, the herd of human kind,
Me to whatever state the gods assi… Believe, my love, whatever state b… Ne’er shall my breast one anxious… Ne’er shall my heart confess a rea… If to thy share heaven’s choicest…
Cowper, whose silver voice, tasked… Legends prolix delivers in the ear… (Attentive when thou read’st) of… Let verse at length yield thee thy… Thou wast not heard with drowsy di…
(excerpt) Hark! ’tis the twanging horn! o’er… That with its wearisome but needfu… Bestrides the wintry flood, in whi… Sees her unwrinkled face reflected…
Far from the world, O Lord, I fl… From strife and tumult far; From scenes where Satan wages sti… His most successful war. The calm retreat, the silent shade…
Poor in my youth, and in life’s la… Rich to no end, I curse my natal… Who nought enjoy’d while young, de… And nought when old enjoy’d, denie…
Oh fond attempt to give a deathles… To names ignoble, born to be forgo… In vain recorded in historic page, They court the notice of a future… Those twinkling tiny lustres of th…
Too many, Lord, abuse Thy grace In this licentious day, And while they boast they see Thy… They turn their own away. Thy book displays a gracious light
On the green margin of the brook, Despairing Phyllida reclined, Whilst every sigh, and every look, Declared the anguish of her mind. Am I less lovely then? (she cries…
Lord, who hast suffer’d all for me… My peace and pardon to procure, The lighter cross I bear for Thee… Help me with patience to endure. The storm of loud repining hush;
Did not my Muse (what can she les… Perceive her own unworthiness, Could she by some well-chosen them… But hope to merit your esteem, She would not thus conceal her lay…
When Aulus, the nocturnal thief,… Of Hermes, swift-wing’d envoy of… Hermes, Arcadia’s king, the thief… Who when an infant stole Apollo’s… And whom, as arbiter and overseer
Ah! wherefore should my weeping ma… Those gentle signs of undissembled… When from soft love proceeds the d… Ah, why forbid the willing tears t… Since for my sake each dear transl…
When Hagar found the bottle spent And wept o’er Ishmael, A message from the Lord was sent To guide her to a well. Should not Elijah’s cake and crus…