In vain ye woo me to your harmless… Ye pleasant bowers, remote from st… Your shades, the witnesses of many… Breathed forth in happier days, ar… Denied that smile ’twas once my he…
’Tis my happiness below Not to live without the cross, But the Saviour’s power to know, Sanctifying every loss; Trials must and will befall;
The Saviour, what a noble flame Was kindled in his breast, When hasting to Jerusalem, He march’d before the rest. Good will to men, and zeal for Go…
Ye sister Pow’rs who o’er the sac… Preside, and, Thou, fair mother o… Mnemosyne, and thou, who in thy gr… Immense reclined at leisure, hast… The Archives and the ord’nances o…
In these sad hours, a prey to ceas… While feverish pulses leap in ever… When each faint breath the last sh… Of life just parting from my feebl… How wild soe’er my wandering thoug…
Jesus! where’er Thy people meet, There they behold Thy mercy seat; Where’er they seek Thee, Thou art… And every place is hallow’d ground… For Thou, within no walls confine…
The pipe, with solemn interposing… Makes half a sentence at a time en… The dozing sages drop the drowsy s… Then pause and puff, and speak, an… Such often, like the tube they so…
A raven, while with glossy breast Her new-laid eggs she fondly press… And, on her wicker-work high mount… Her chickens prematurely counted (A fault philosophers might blame,
Whence it is, that amazed I hear From yonder withered spray, This foremost morn of all the year… The melody of May? And why, since thousands would be…
God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform; He plants His footsteps in the se… And rides upon the storm. Deep in unfathomable mines
Holy Lord God! I love Thy truth, Nor dare Thy least commandment sl… Yet pierced by sin the serpent’s t… I mourn the anguish of the bite. But though the poison lurks within…
Why weeps the muse for England? W… In England’s case to move the mus… From side to side of her delightfu… Is she not clothed with a perpetua… Can Nature add a charm, or Art co…
A. You told me, I remember, glory… On selfish principles, is shame an… The deeds that men admire as half… Stark naught, because corrupt in t… Strange doctrine this! that withou…
Forc’d from home and all its pleas… Afric’s coast I left forlorn; To increase a stranger’s treasures… O’er the raging billows borne; Men from England bought and sold…
The Lord will happiness divine On contrite hearts bestow; Then tell me, gracious God, is mi… A contrite heart or no? I hear, but seem to hear in vain,