To watch the storms, and hear the… Give all our almanacks the lie; To shake with cold, and see the pl… In autumn drown’d with wintry rain… ’Tis thus I spend my moments here…
They call thee rich—I deem thee p… Since, if thou darest not use thy… But savest only for thine heirs, The treasure is not thine, but the…
Poor in my youth, and in life’s la… Rich to no end, I curse my natal… Who nought enjoy’d while young, de… And nought when old enjoy’d, denie…
Less worthy of applause, though mo… Because a novelty, the work of man… Imperial mistress of the fur-clad… Thy most magnificent and mighty fr… The wonder of the North. No fores…
Doomed, as I am, in solitude to w… The present moments, and regret th… Deprived of every joy I valued mo… My friend torn from me, and my mis… Call not this gloom I wear, this…
An Oyster, cast upon the shore, Was heard, though never heard befo… Complaining in a speech well worde… And worthy thus to be recorded:— Ah, hapless wretch! condemn’d to d…
Did not thy reason, and thy sense, With most persuasive eloquence, Convince me that obedience due None may so justly claim as you, By right of beauty you would be
(Revelations, III. 1-6) “Write to Sardis,” saith the Lord… “And write what He declares, He whose Spirit, and whose word, Upholds the seven stars:
No strength of nature can suffice To serve the Lord aright: And what she has she misapplies, For want of clearer light. How long beneath the law I lay
Thracian parents, at his birth, Mourn their babe with many a tear, But, with undissembled mirth, Place him breathless on his bier. Greece and Rome, with equal score…
My halting Muse, that dragg’st by… Thy slow, slow step, in melancholy… And lik’st that pace expressive of… Not less than Diopeia’s sprightli… When in the dance she beats with m…
To keep the lamp alive, With oil we fill the bowl; ’Tis water makes the willow thrive… And grace that feeds the soul. The Lord’s unsparing hand
CHORUS OF ANGELS, Singing… To Heaven’s bright lyre let Iris… Adapt the spheres for chords, for… Let new-born gales discriminate th… Nor let old Time to measure times…
Two neighbours furiously dispute; A field—the subject of the suit. Trivial the spot, yet such the rag… With which the combatants engage, ’Twere hard to tell who covets mos…
See where the Thames, the purest… That wavers to the noon-day beam, Divides the vale below; While like a vein of liquid ore His waves enrich the happy shore,