William Barnes

Woone Smile Mwore

O! Meaery, when the zun went down,
     Woone night in Spring, wi’ vi’ry rim,
Behind thik nap wi’ woody crown,
     An’ left your smilen feaece so dim;
Your little sister there, inside,
     Wi’ bellows on her little knee,
Did blow the vier, a-glearen wide
     Drough window-peaenes, that I could zee,—
As you did stan’ wi’ me, avore
The house, a-peaerten,—woone smile mwore.
The chatt’ren birds, a-risen high,
     An’ zinken low, did swiftly vlee
Vrom shrinken moss, a-growen dry,
     Upon the leaenen apple tree.
An’ there the dog, a-whippen wide
     His heaeiry tail, an’ comen near,
Did fondly lay ageaen your zide
     His coal-black nose an’ russet ear:
To win what I’d a-won avore,
Vrom your gay feaece, his woone smile mwore.
An’ while your mother bustled sprack,
     A-getten supper out in hall,
An’ cast her sheaede, a-whiv’ren black
     Avore the vier, upon the wall;
Your brother come, wi’ easy peaece,
     In drough the slammen geaete, along
The path, wi’ healthy-bloomen feaece,
     A-whis’len shrill his last new zong;
An’ when he come avore the door,
He met vrom you his woone smile mwore.
Now you that wer the daughter there,
     Be mother on a husband’s vloor,
An’ mid ye meet wi’ less o’ ceaere
     Than what your hearty mother bore;
An’ if abroad I have to rue
     The bitter tongue, or wrongvul deed,
Mid I come hwome to sheaere wi’ you
     What’s needvul free o’ pinchen need:
An’ vind that you ha’ still in store,
My evenen meal, an’ woone smile mwore.
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