my girl, my girl means the world t… i knew this at very first sight my girl, my girl why wont you tell… i know you be liein, alright. my girl, my girl dont you lie to m…
political party junkies, cause the… political party junkies, cause the… they shoot junk as an act, or amen… detached from the world, side walk… dirty and reckless they can’t stop
some men carry guns with clips, so… some men draw confidence from thei… some men what something that will… not just a piece of ass some men pretend they know, some m…
I’m smarter then i lead on thats why i keep on leading cause its far to easy to keep you… a mind fuck and a half a shepherd with a staff
dropped her like a soon to be corp… cause i just wanna walk away and f… but she is here stuck in my head dropped her cause i thought i had… a friend or two, its all the same
Went out of my way to put her on a… That’s when she told me I got no… Told me I got personality, but I… I was walkin down the street just… I saw a group of girls further up…