Tendai KM

Better are those

To the world

Better are those
Who spend time
With their families
As they grow
From the young age
As for my twin sister
And l, it was never easier
Still l never thought
Of giving up
The word commands
Us to trust in God
And also in Jesus
Not to let our heart
Be troubled, we faced
Every trial that had
Come along our life
In the past tense
And still the future
We always call upon
The Lord to rescue us
To escape trouble
Even when it has
Come right in
Our door with
The power of the glory
Trouble are demolished
And vanished
He has been always
There for us
He never let us down
In the darkness days
Brought by the devil
The Lord brings us the light
Of future, nevertheless
Will he allow the devil to
Ruin our life
Many times we slept
In the bush
Many times we ate
Food from the dustbin
In the land of birth
We was never scared
We knew the Lord was with us
And we knew that
Nothing is impossible
With God
Done:By Tendai Moyo


Appreciate the little you have,
and make the best out of it,
just smile for that little.


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