Tara Donnelly

LOVE IS......

Love is beautiful.
Love is complicated.
Beautiful complicated love is to distress the mind.
Love is unconditional.
Love has purity.
Unconditional purity that feels  heavy when love goes away.
Love is honesty.
Love is truthful.
Honesty truthful, but so hurtful to the heart when love says what you don’t want it to say.
Love is magical.
Love is comical.
Magical comical love that causes you to breakdown one day, but on another day makes you laugh with lovers excitement.
Love is endless.
Love is limitless.
Endless limitless of love starts your heart out with the feeling of abundance. Then sometimes for no reason love leaves your endless heart in disarray of being heartbroken.
Love is what it is to you.
Love is where you really want it to be.

copyright@2013 Tara Donnelly

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