How i hate your dark crooked bows, The lynch of your exceeding notes Buried in your solemn voice, The way you twinkle like a white f… And the pace that you race
Many could milk a cow or Learn how to milk a cow and Still obliterate to cluster the st… One take in milking a cow, Multiple could shoot a rifle in ev…
I find it Hard Reading a Long paragraph Of nothing
Life could spike your drink Love could stab your heart Feelings could blame your tears Money could pay for less Attraction could buy your sight
There is just only One thing Separating Me and my Bad habits
If i could love night more as my o… might and sleep next to night with… but just me and her blue iris sigh… her eyes that rest on beauty of endless flourish flight, owls, dog…
How does he speak? With his mouth or his body Or with help or no help, with His crew but he dare not own a boa… For a boat would majestically
Pretend to sleep tight and secretl… bare interest so if light will dec… aware and if the night will yawn w… are famously put to rest.
It might be shit But that’s your own shit And it might be a hit From the park, And that will pose to be
You would Notice I Always Use I Before you,
Hunger for silence Voice cracked whistles blown Cattles lost Ego’s bruised
I don’t try too hard They can’t help Enough but loosen Their shacks and Jump down from their
You have read all About me but All I know about you is beauty.
Love for thee are naught, For every tears and every Pain love claimed will rot, Love to thee will glance no noon, For my heart will gently gain numb…
A very good piece, Writing a good poetry is like maki… Or trying to get to sleep as a kid… Or hearing an ice cream truck and There is no certainty that you wou…