The famous cheats will had once em… The prostitutes will freely sleep… acknowledge poetry. The power of poetry is an unoffici… It can be used by a sweet talker,
My luck changed when I found a qu… A parrot with a blue tail Golden feathers Pointy beak Very moist and incredibly tethered
Pretend to sleep tight and secretl… bare interest so if light will dec… aware and if the night will yawn w… are famously put to rest.
Today is never as lifeless like da… Was meant to be; the woods are idl… And birds pestering a harmless tre… And the squirrels knitting fiercel… And different people walking throu…
Now, have you seen? The black mane of a dark horse As it slithers and kiss the marble… Now the whore petticoat, cloaks an… On a starry night whispers its oat
All beautiful things are made at n… the moon summons the stars to play… Jazz sounds better when it is play… The ocean streams louder and majes… At night fire burns proudly and vi…
There are many Means of writing Mostly In caves.
I have learned about success and i will forever crave for, I have learned about life but Life will stay complicated to me, I have learned about women
I will be a father soon I am excited and by his Grace com… I will take your first step with y… Blessing the heavens for a natures… I will love and cherish your exist…
Sometimes i feel like I have done it all But maybe its not me Its the silk that’s unwilling To cover my feet.
The delights of autumn, the cats shivering and the birds as silence as a morning morgue, th… that blows you backward and coldne… that knit deep into your dry skin,
Is this it Is this love or desperation Is this how it feels to be dunked… Empty bowl My heart never really flutters
When you light up My dreams brightens When you smile and pause My heart pause a beat When you cry
Oh God What would Do Without My hands,
There are two art of wisdom; we ea… One seem like a sting of success,… Is filled with the sponge, soap an… Wisdom by losing is a cup crafted… To drink, shower and weep in it; i…