Morning by days not less or late Her heart flutters and fail’d to b… I tossed her arms up and down, Her arms dare to stay and it drop’… Her lips was wide, curve while her…
They are roaring And ready To go but My shoe Laces are still
Give me A guitar With No strings, Mouth me
I feel like I have seen them all And buzzing around in black and wh… White socked into bleach of evils… They wish to break us all but With divine intervention we surpas…
Secrets A secret is not a secret without m… A secret is not a ghost that knock… A secret is not a torn sheet or a… A secret is not a weapon to change…
Oh how marvellous It is to Write and drink Your guts out, How scary
Hiya. I’m just checking in How are we all doing? I hope this year haven’t swept us… Family & relations good?
Under the stripped trees in a pear… Winter, there i found a white blos… Dropped in a muffled sound-like And it formed A surface,
today make a trail for us to follow, eat like a poet so you would digest words think like a poet and never believe to be wrong, dress like a…
It could be one way to live occupi… That is tacking every trousers in… Despise, and dressing every space… Empty space for sin to lose intere… In its options to form in your lif…
The truth in the midst of lies, th… Threat and stab; heart could never… The poor lies of filled wealth whi… In albatross of the world at will. And to slip and bleed from a restf…
It’s funny Dreams are funny They are just like mindset Altering your personal thoughts It’s funny how all you wanted
I know Something That could Do the Trick
I could read her sight for countle… I could gasp her breath in every f… I could make my heart a bargain For her to freely blend, Because in her smile angels sings,…
I can’t Promise you Heaven But we will Be