One year ago We were nearly lovers One year ago The closest of friends One year ago
It didn’t happen all at once The stress of impact And the heat of friction Combined Has a natural result
2014-12-28-21-44-05 It is a myth When they say “The pieces you give away You never get back”
Here comes the rain To wash away All the things the could have been Here comes the rain ( again) A cleansing flood
The two of them sat face to face by the banks of the narrow stream smoking cigarettes, throwing stone… and dismantling
2014-12-29-22-53-36_poetryx choose each moment how to act what to say
I didn’t know what it was like to… then you showed me what it was lik… I didn’t know what it was like to… Then you came along and accepted m… I didn’t know I could feel so dee…
What are you selling Everybody is That thing that you have That’s icing and fizz Every encounter
There was a day. it was in August we visited your mother in the hospital. Afterwards we wen… to a beach side burger joint.
She was never mine I was never her’s Neither loved as a possession Both possessed By the love we shared
Our love cost you dear It cost you all A price I would have willingly pa… Though that cost Sadly landed on you
I’ve lost it again The words were just there Right on the tip Of my mind Now they’ve descended
It has never changed My heart’s inclination. I am still drawn to you. Having known you I cannot see you
Little I can do Now that I have injured you I must disgust you
Take care In how you engage the battle of who can care less. though it may