Attend my words, my gentle knave, And you shall learn from me How boys at dinner may behave With due propriety. Guard well your hands: two things…
I was a Poet! But I did not know it, Neither did my Mother, Nor my Sister nor my Brother. The Rich were not aware of it;
To Griggs, that learned man, in m… His kids were his delight, and phy… Now Griggs, grown old and glum, a… Physics himself at home, and sends…
In a famed town of Caledonia’s la… A prosperous port contiguous to th… A monarch feasted in right royal s… But care still dogs the pleasures… And well his faithful servants cou…
Our great work, the Otia Merseian… Edited by learned Mister Sampson, And supported by Professor Woodwa… Is financed by numerous Bogus Mee… Hastily convened by Kuno Meyer
The Artist and his Luckless Wife They lead a horrid haunted life, Surrounded by the things he’s made That are not wanted by the trade. The world is very fair to see;
When I am safely laid away, Out of work and out of play, Sheltered by the kindly ground From the world of sight and sound, One or two of those I leave
Your dog is not a dog of grace; He does not wag the tail or beg; He bit Miss Dickson in the face; He bit a Bailie in the leg. What tragic choices such a dog