To the Metropolitan Police Force… the asylum gates are locked and ch… by wandering thoughts and the clos… So from San Francisco, patron cit… I scribble this note, having overs…
Eight-year-old sitting in Bramhal… shoes scuffed from kicking a stone… too young for a key but old enough… to walk the short mile back from s… You’ve spied your mother down in t…
It begins as a house, an end terra… in this case but it will not stop there. Soon i… an avenue which cambers arrogantly past the…
“Which of these films was Dirk Bo… not in? One hundredweight of bauxi… makes how much aluminium? how many tales in ‘The Decameron’… General Studies, the upper sixth,…
Of all the public places, dear to make a scene, I’ve chosen here. Of all the doorways in the world to choose to sleep, I’ve chosen yo… I’m on the street, under the stars…
In later life I retired from poet… ploughed the profits into a family restaurant in the town of Holzminden, in lowe… It was small and traditional:
Just how it came to rest where it… miles out, miles from the last far… was a fair question. Dropped by hu… or aeroplane perhaps for some reas… put down as a cairn or marker, the…
The sun comes like a head through last night’s turtleneck. A pigeon in the yard turns tail and offers me a card. Any card. From pillar to post, a pantomime
I was pegging out your lime-green… you were hoping the last of the su… might sip the last few beads of dr… from its lime-green hem. I had a blister-stigmata the size…
It is not through weeping, but all evening the pale blue eye on your most photogenic side has k… its own unfathomable tide. Like th… at the dyke I have been there:
Anyone here had a go at themselves for a laugh? Anyone opened their w… with a blade in the bath? Those in… at the back, listen hard. Those at… in the know, those of us who have,…
He splashed down in rough seas off… I watched through a coin-op telesc… with a lollipop stick as a trawler… of the waves and ferried him back… Control on a trading estate near t…
At this moment in time, we’d like to invite First Class passengers only to board the aircraft. We now extend our invitation to Exclusive, Superior, Privilege and Excelsior members, foll...
We went out into the school yard together, me… whose name and face I don’t remember. We were testing… of the human voice:
Five pounds fifty in change, exact… a library card on its date of expi… A postcard stamped, unwritten, but franked, a pocket size diary slashed with a…