Saro Bedian

Let Them Eat Cake

Madmen in mayhem, tyrants on tirades,
High rants and raves, power devours in waves,
Peasants and slaves stand amazed at the blood spent,
The mammoth monarch parade passes under the arch in the colonnade,
They went away eating grapes on laden silver trays lent,
By Higher Authority the servants get paid,
Spiral escapades, war games and betrayal,
Plans bent on death, the destruction lays waste,
Treachery escaped, doom delayed,
The Royal Family repaid, they went west for trailblazing exploration,
Derailment of civilization, social exploitation,
Dictatorship foundation, traitors whipped as a punitive demonstration,
Incarceration of political prisoners,
Punishment and torment of Seekers and Wizards,
The masses adore them, but the Masters abhor them,
The Church will deplore them, in nature they store them,
Whisk them away, there one day gone another,
Disappeared into the ether, fear holds them to lovers,
The masses rise in wrath, revolution passes in disaster,
The aftermath of their bastardization of social paths,
The World turn faster,
So that even the poor can finally relax,
And enjoy laughter after,
Laws and taxes are fairly passed,
And the people are vote casters,
Democracy may not come peacefully,
The toll of the war drum is freedom’s cry to become as One,
The West is the best, the Sea lies to the East of me,
And Totalitarian corruption is finally undone,
The entreatment of treatises, The Constitution is a treaty,
And finally, free life for the individual is won,
And the peace that come to the good people and free,
Is the Song of the Patriot when the day’s work is done.
Other works by Saro Bedian...
