A dear half fed on, A woman half laid down, A girl partially turned on, between the lanes of morality and modernity;
And I dreamt His hatred before me All equipped I was the slut, the whore, the bit… I do not fit
I pick my pen when I am in pain, I try to write but it could not be watertight It could not be universalized It could not be mystified
Numb in love, down with despair Evil spirituality of heart and sou… There is a lot left, to be, felt e… passion enthusiasm, of enemy or fo… for I do not know, for i do not kn…
Yes, I can die ignorant! But what to do of age, I don’t have terms to support me; I don’t have quotes compressed, Sentences filled with meanings
facade I did partake I die a million death Under this camouflage i begin to believe that surrounds the flees
On the deserted road, When someone strolls, It kills her more; With no hint to the Destiny upholds,
The stream says I will find a way I go through roughs I can explode someday I am anxious I have know anxiety of days
I don’t pray, why? I do not believe is the reply I don’t have faith I can not rely, on God who does not sway by
It is the smile of my lips what to do It’s feeding on it soon its beauty will vanish but I will still cling to IT It’s like loving a rain
I am very luck, I came across you, Not particularly happy; What I did around you, He knows it all well:
I am exiled from my own believes I grew up far away from my creed No peace No pace No place I find for myself none of these Reality strike, I want to hide