Can I tell you a Secret?
Get close to me so I can whisper,
You know we all need air to survive,
Well the doctors also say breathing out a couple minutes a day is healthy for you,
So why the exact opposite of what we need?
And what is the secret here?
Well, the secret my dear friend to what we need the most in our life is to do the opposite.
Wait a minute, what are you saying?
Yes, do the opposite my friend.
If you wanna be rich, give a lot,
If you wanna be fit, don’t eat a lot,
If you wanna be powerful, give power to others,
If you wanna be loved, love a lot,
If you wanna say you are educated, be humble and listen a lot,
If you wanna be famous, treat everyone in your life like a celebrity to you,
If you wanna be respected, respect others a lot,
And if you don’t wanna waste your precious time –waste your time with everyone around you:-)
That’s it!!
I have revealed the secret to you and only you my friend,
So don’t tell everyone, and let’s keep this secret between you and me.
One day you will thank me a lot!