Robin Starkey


The world has a different perspective
When you no longer rest upon it,
What is thought to be once right
Is perhaps no longer fit.
Up above what is seen as night,
Reveals instead the sunset
Where all is not quite dark
And light shines where it is let.
The end of a day
Appears only from a stance,
For you can shift your weight
And see everything deserves a second chance
There were so many fewer questions
When stars didn’t round the bend
But disappeared over the edge,
Till morning when the chariot would ascend.
In those days one look
contained all to be seen.
Ever since the world has grown
much wilder than the first simple green.


This poem is about the difficulties we face in life and how if we are able to view each difficult situation from a slightly different perspective then we will be able to find the silver lining anywhere. The last two stanzas state how life used to have fewer hardships because in our youth things are much less complex and easier to understand.

#HardshipLife #Perspectives

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