Son put a poser up to me That made me scratch my head: “God made the whole wide world,” q… “That’s right, my boy,” I said. Said son: “He mad the mountains s…
In Paris on a morn of May I sent a radio transalantic To catch a steamer on the way, But oh the postal fuss was frantic… They sent me here, they sent me th…
From off my calendar today A leaf I tear; So swiftly passes smiling May Without a care. And now the gentleness of June
'Tis true my garments threadbare a… And sorry poor I seem; But inly I am richer far Than any poet’s dream. For I’ve a hidden life no one
A—sittin’ in the Bull and Pump With double gins to keep us cheery Says she to me, says Polly Crump" “What makes ye look so sweet. me d… As if ye’d gotten back yer youth .…
Said Seeker of the skies to me: “Behold yon starry host ashine! When Heaven’s harmony you see How can you doubt control divine, Law, order and design?”
The Cow—Juice Cure The clover was in blossom, an’ the… When Flap—jack Billy hit the town… The frost was on the fodder an’ th… When Billy got to seein’ snakes i…
My folks think I’m a serving maid Each time I visit home; They do not dream I ply a trade As old as Greece or Rome; For if they found I’d fouled thei…
With belly like a poisoned pup Said I: ‘I must give bacon up: And also, I profanely fear, I must abandon bread and beer That make for portliness they say;
Window Shopper I stood before a candy shop Which with a Christmas radiance s… I saw my parents pass and stop To grin at me and then go on.
Italian people peaceful are,— Let it be to their credit. They mostly fail to win a war, —Oh they themselves have said it. “Allergic we to lethal guns
The leaves are sick and jaundiced,… Drift down the air; December’s sky is sodden grey, Dark with despair; A bleary dawn will light anon
I had a friend, a breezy friend I liked an awful lot; And in his company no end Of happiness I got. We clicked in temper, taste and mo…
I wish I had a simple style In writing verse, As in his prose had Ernie Pyle, So true and terse; Springing so forthright from the h…
He sleeps beside me in the bed; Upon my breast I hold his head; Oh how I would that we were wed, For he sails in the morning. I wish I had not been so kind;