Robert W. Service


Do you recall that happy bike
With bundles on our backs?
How near to heaven it was like
To blissfully relax!
In cosy tavern of good cheer
To doff our heavy packs,
And with a mug of foamy beer
Learn to relax: to clean the mind
Of fear and doubt and care,
And in vacuity to find
The perfect peace that’s there.
With lassitude of heart and hand,
When every sinew slacks,
How good to rest the old bean and
Relax, relax.
Just sink back in an easy chair
For forty winks or so,
And fold your hands as if in prayer,
—That helps a lot, you know.
Forget that you are you awhile,
And pliable as wax,
Just beatifically smile . . .
Relax, relax, relax.

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