Have ever you heard of the Land o… That dreams at the gates of the da… Alluring it lies at the skirts of… And ever so far away; Alluring it calls: O ye the yoke…
Never knew Jim, did you? Our boy… Bless you, there was the likely la… Supple and straight and long of li… Clean as a whistle, and just as gl… Always laughing, wasn’t he, dad?
My Pa and Ma their honeymoon Passed in an Andulasian June, And though produced in Drury Lane… I must have been conceived in Spa… Now having lapsed from fair estate…
Deeming that I were better dead, “How shall I kill myself?” I said… Thus mooning by the river Seine I sought extinction without pain, When on a bridge I saw a flash
He’s yonder, on the terrace of the… The little wizened Spanish man, I… He’s sitting with his Pernod on h… He’s staring at the passers with h… He never takes his piercing eyes f…
There was Claw—fingered Kitty and… When unto them in the Long, Long… Bearing his prize of a black fox p… His cheeks were blanched as the fl… Deep in their dark, sin—calcined p…
I knew three sisters,—all were swe… Wishful to wed was I, And wondered which would mostly me… The matrimonial tie. I asked the first what fate would…
We pitied him because He lived alone; His tiny cottage was His only own. His little garden had
This crowded life of God’s good g… No man has relished more than I; I’ve been so goldarned busy living I’ve never had the time to die. So busy fishing, hunting, roving,
I own a gorgeous Cadillac, A chauffeur garbed in blue; And as I sit behind his back His beefy neck I view. Yet let me whisper, though you may
Oh happy he who cannot see With scientific eyes; Who does not know how flowers grow… And is not planet wise; Content to find with simple mind
Said Jones: “I’m glad my wife’s n… Her intellect is second—rate. If she was witty she would never Give me a chance to scintillate; But cap my humorous endeavour
Playboy I greet the challenge of the dawn With weary, bleary eyes; Into the sky so ashen wan I wait the sun to rise;
You’ve heard of Belching Billy, l… As punk a chunk of Yukon scum as… A satellite of Soapy Smith, a cap… A slimy tribute—taker from the La… But say, you never heard of how he…
The height of wisdom seems to me That of a child; So let my ageing vision be Serene and mild. The depth of folly, I aver,