Robert W. Service

Eighty Not Out

In the gay, gleamy morn I adore to go walking,
And oh what sweet people I meet on my way!
I hail them with joy for I love to be talking,
Although I have nothing important to say.
I cheer the old grannies whose needles are plying;
I watch the wee kiddies awhoop at their play:
When sunny the sky is, you’ll not be denying
The morning’s the bonniest bit of the day.
With hair that is silver the look should be smiling,
And lips that are ageful should surely be wise;
And so I go gaily with gentle beguiling,
Abidding for cheer in the bright of your eyes.
I look at the vines and the blossoms with loving;
I listen with glee to the thrush on the spray:
And so with a song in my heart I am proving
That life is more beautiful every day.
For I think that old age is the rapture of living,
And though I’ve had many a birthday of cheer,
Of all the delectable days of God’s giving,
The best of the bunch is my eightieth year.
So I will go gay in the beam of the morning
Another decade,—Oh I haven’t a doubt!
Adoring the world of the Lord’s glad adorning,
And sing to the glory of Ninety—not—Out.

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