Robert L. Martin

The Bottom Rung

From the top looking down
to where it all started,
where the fighting was an adrenal surge,
where the surge was an elation,
where it lifted up the esteem
and said everything is possible,
where that all inspiring feeling
ran up and down the spine
and gathered strength in the running,
that soothing of the senses,
and the desire to retain that feeling,
those staged brawls in the backyard
in view of the rapacious neighbors
who paid to see his blood being shed,
then the second rung on the ladder,
where his skills began advancing,
where the blood being shed
belonged to his opponent,
and more people came to
see him fight and spend more money,
then the third rung
where the adrenalin surge
started to become less desirable
and the flowing of more money
became his new desire.
Each rung lessened his feeling
for the love of fighting
until he reached the top
and looked back at the
wonderful times he had
fighting in the back yard

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