Progressive Endeavors
Music and gypsies are alike in nature. Both have roving spirits; restless in their permanence and seeking a way out of it. In music, it looks to create a new environment, and in human nature, it looks to find an existing one.
Both environments are exhilarating, though. They get pleasure with their new findings, like a prospector seeing a gold nugget for the first time.
In music, chordal progressions make up the harmony and lead the music to exotic places, like a shepherd leading his sheep to an unfamiliar pasture. Whether or not it is a smooth transition depends upon the foresight of the shepherd with his careful planning. In the music, it is in the contentment of the heart. When the music is in its proper order, it can send him up to the realm of the Gods through the inundation of warmth spread into his heart. The careful planning of the musician is in his own musical conditioning, leading to his personal taste.
When the sheep are safely led to a new pasture, everyone is satisfied, but when the music is led to a new place, only those with a sensitive ear are satisfied.
Everyone applauds the shepherd, but only a few applaud the musician. Like the air, music is vital to life; but not its enhancement, which lies within its own artistic desiring.