Robert L. Martin

Precision Accomplished

A sound so soothing and sublime,
A world melted down to a poetic rhyme,
Of music executed in perfection’s want,
All discordance stilled and blemishes avaunt,
One man’s dream and one man’s outcome,
A solo in accord with precision spun,
For others who can’t hear his world alone,
Are scattered about in a world of their own,
Of competition, ego, and grandeur in sight,
Precision is a unification of all minds alike.
One sound at the top and the others in sync,
The ability to know how the others think.
Music is an expression of freedom’s feeling;
A look into the mind of divinity revealing,
Of divine thoughts into one man’s mind,
An instant revelation with music combined.
A common respect for one man’s attributions
Are shared by all to accompany his executions.
All synchronized and in complete accord;
Not to be expected but still has been done.
Music is a freedom song from the spirit,
But not to be lost by too many voices.

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