Maternal Lullabies
The most beloved diva sat in her dressing room amid beautiful bouquets of flowers that were tossed upon the stage from her adoring fans. Her smile lit up the room, and her tears streamed down her cheeks.
The media swarmed over her like bees around the hive, asking her questions after questions. “What do you owe your success to?” Her reminiscent eyes took her back to her infancy and directed her speech.
“When I was a baby, my mother used to sing lullabies to me. Although her voice lacked a professional quality, it was the most beautiful sound to me. It sounded like the breath of heaven. It soothed me more than the purest balsam that nature could provide. It stuck to my heart and wouldn’t let go. I was its eternal prisoner. It wasn’t only the music that captured me, but also the warm feeling that remained as it increased my sensitivity.
In my singing, the music, anointed by its sacred rites, is released as though sweet jasmine left the earth and mingled with the ether. The fragrance enhanced the sound like angels chanting to their creator. All of heaven came to me in a song, and my mother’s voice ushered it in. I owe all my success to her.”
Some things that come at us in our infancy are more prominent than others. When they stick to us, they have a long lasting effect. Our minds and hearts are open to receive everything and accept that which appeals to us the most. We hope it is of a righteous quality that will guide us through our many years to come. Maternal lullabies are more influential than we think they are.
I can remember all the way back when I was an infant. The only thing I can remember is my mother singing me a lullaby, even though it wasn't great musically, it was the most beautiful soothing sound in the world to me.