Climbers of the utmost obedience,
who climb up the other side of the hill,
carrying the sun on their iron clad backs,
in shiny armor and glorified breastplates,
with wiry arms and an unrelenting fortitude,
with legs that grow stronger with every step,
with skin that resists all hot and cold,
slaves that know none other but slavery,
born on earth’s inauguration to shed a light,
commissioned to serve throughout eternity,
carrying the sun to the top and beyond,
who see the easy way down
on the other side of the hill,
but spread their wings at the very summit,
then begin to climb and keep climbing
as they unveil the mysteries of the night
until they reach the firmament.
As the day unfolds, they float through the air,
the climbers with a penchant for order,
in proud submission to the deeds of the day,
their willingness to fulfill every demand,
their heroism overcoming every obstacle,
their love of every breath of every organism
set upon the earth to sustain itself,
their attitude toward the ways of nature,
their fulfillment of the earth’s furthest dream
assigned to them when that dream was born,
their incessant drifting in the westbound skies,
their marching toward the eve of the next day,
their artistic movements as they hover above,
their painting the clouds as they start their descent,
as their knees begin their weakening
but not their hearts.
All glory be to the sun and the aerial climbers
who serve their master without any reservations.