Robert Graves

The Unicorn and the White Doe

Unicorn with bursting heart
 Breath of love has drawn:
On his desolate crags apart,
 At rumor of dawn,
Has blared aloud his pride
 This long age mute,
Lurched his horn from side to side,
 Lunged with his foot.
`Like a storm of sand I run
 Breaking the desert’s boundaries,
I go in hiding from the sun
 In thick shade of trees.
`Straight was the track I took
 Across the plains, but here with briar
And mire the tangled alleys crook,
 Baulking desire.
`O there, what glinted white?
 (A bough still shakes.)
What was it darted from my sight
 Through the forest brakes?
`Where are you fled from me?
 I pursue, you fade;
I run, you hide from me
 In the dark glade.
Towering high the trees grow,
 The grass grows thick.
Where you are I do not know,
 You run so quick.'

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