Small type of great ones, that do… Within this whole world’s narrow r… That with a busie hollow noise Catch at the people’s vainer voice… And with spread sails play with th…
SEE! with what constant Motion Even, and glorious, as the Sunne, Gratiana steeres that Noble Frame… Soft as her breast, sweet as her v… That gave each winding Law and po…
Heark! Oh heark! you guilty Tre… In whose gloomy Galleries Was the cruell’st murder done, That e’re yet eclipst the Sunne ; Be then henceforth in your twigges
WHEN I by thy faire shape did sw… And mingled with each Vowe a tear… I lov’d, I lov’d thee best, I swore as I profest ; For all the while you lasted warme…
Mongst the worlds wonders, there d… One greater than the rest, that’s… And her own self beside: A Lady,… Is with vast honours soul and virt… Fair as original light first from…
Amarantha sweet and faire, Ah brade no more that shining hair… As my curious hand or eye, Hovering round thee, let it flye. II.
AUSON[IUS]. Toxica zelotypo dedit uxor maecha… Nec satis ad mortem credidit esse… Miscuit argenti lethalia pondera v… Ut celeret certam vis geminata nec…
As I beheld a winter’s evening ai… Curl’d in her court-false-locks of… Butter’d with jessamine the sun le… II. Galliard and clinquant she appear’…
You, that can aptly mixe your joye… And weave white Iös with black El… Can Caroll out a Dirge, and in on… Sing to the Tune, either of life,… You, that can weepe the gladnesse…
CHA. W. W. Charon! thou slave! thou fo… CHA. A slave! a fool! what trai… W. Come bring thy boat. CH… CHA. The blest will disagree, a…
In mine one monument I lye, And in my self am buried; Sure, the quick lightning of her e… Melted my soul ith’ scabberd dead; And now like some pale ghost I wa…
See! what a clouded majesty, and e… Whose glory through their mist dot… See! what an humble bravery doth s… And griefe triumphant breaking thr… How it commands the face! so sweet…
With that delight the Royal capti… Before the throne, to breath his f… To tel his last tale, and so end w… Which gladly he esteemes a benefit… When the brave victor, at his grea…
If Pliny, Lord High Treasurer of… Natures exchequer shuffled in this… Peinture her richer rival did admi… And cry’d she wrought with more al… That judg’d the unnumber’d issue o…
Introth, I do my self perswade, That the wilde boy is grown a man, And all his childishnesse off laid… E’re since LUCASTA did his fir… H’ has left his apish jigs,