Richard Le Gallienne

Ballade to a Departing God

God of the Wine List, roseate lord,
And is it really then good-by?
Of Prohibitionists abhorred,
Must thou in sorry sooth then die,
(O fatal morning of July!)
Nor aught hold back the threatened hour
That shrinks thy purple clusters dry?
Say not good-by—but _au revoir_!
For the last time the wine is poured,
For the last toast the glass raised high,
And henceforth round the wintry board,
As dumb as fish, we’ll sit and sigh,
And eat our Puritanic pie,
And dream of suppers gone before,
With flying wit and words that fly—
Say not good-by—but _au revoir_!
’Twas on thy wings the poet soared,
And Sorrow fled when thou wentst by,
And, when we said 'Here’s looking toward’ . . .
It seemed a better world, say I,
With greener grass and bluer sky . . .
The writ is on the Tavern Door,
And who would tipple on the sly? . . .
’Tis not good-by—but _au revoir_!
Gay God of Bottles, I deny
Those brave tempestuous times are o’er;
Somehow I think, I scarce know why,
’Tis not good-by—but au revoir!
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