So many things wasted, purchased, enjoyed for a while and then, cast aside. But all the gold and treasures in the world cannot buy a kind look, a smile, and the time you dedicate to ano...
The day started with the most human of feelings: that of our own mortality, through the rituals we arrange for our departed. From that helpless feeling came a hopeful one... and then we...
The game started well with open he… And then you uttered your plans fo… And I was secretly hoping that th… But somehow, my heart is crunched… And the inkwell is running abundan…
Like grey skies announcing a comin… I’m fearing the news of your parti… Unsuccessfully trying to shelter m… From the devastating phenomenon... I won’t see you go. I havent got…
If you ask me for a kiss In the middle of a crowd Or you ask me for a kiss In the middle of nowhere Chances are it’ll be the same
A thorn buried in the flesh becomes familiar after a while. The pain becomes usual, with an undefined warmth, as you keep dancing,
Behind the arcanes that govern our… There is a silver line of hope about returns and encounters. Still, your eyes hesitate, as do y… To surrender, to let go, to exist…
I see my foolishness in others, A translucent absurdity of chances… And I’m ashamed. You reached out to me, And I was blind,
La tortura no es verte en todas pa… La tortura es que me singularices… Otra flecha... y otra mas... mi co… malaventurado San Sebastián.
Autumn winds in the morning Flowing through my flesh and bones… Autumn winds after a scorching sum… Cleaning away the ashes of what it… Autumn winds renewing the earth
I’m no one’s monster. I walk up and down my own darkness… Enjoying the bleeding freedom Fought and won over the dim light… I’m no one’s pain.
I want you to miss me As your name pierce my soul with s… every time I think of you I want you to want me To drink me, to breathe me
Some certainties are like steel, They don’t bend easily or break, Or disappear into thin air. They stand true and naked In the face of hesitation,
The random happiness of Two by twos A drunken scape, A passionate kiss. The crime’s not solved
Cuida y protege este castillo de naipes en el que vivimos, Haz perdurar nuestros sueños, emociones y proyectos, líbranos de la monotonía, el desdén, y el miedo que nos acechan cada inst...