

You look into his eyes
He’s thinking about what you just said
You can, see so many different things
Confusion, excitement, wonder, lust
He wants you, and you want him
You both desire, but only he is willing
You can only do so much
Until you cross that line
Thoughts come and go
You don’t know what he’s thinking
He could be thinking anything
You can take a guess, and you were right
Your heart speeds up, your mind scrambles
You can’t think straight
You can’t have him though
And he can’t have you
You feel so many things
Excitement, lust, confusion, doubt
He sees these things
He says there’s nothing to worry about
He’ll do it when you’re ready
He’s so patient
He always understands
You think he could be the one
Could he be?
Is he the one who is your knight in shining armor?
The one who saves you from that wretched tower
You trust him with you life
You can’t ever let him go
Even though he’s leaving anyway

Other works by Brielle...
