Qanubast Verse

Let’s Propagate Skills of Cannabis Cultivation

We should all practice the art of herb growing
Learn the ancient craft of cannabis cultivation
Develop flourishing hempen horticultural skills
We should study bud and gain herb knowledge
How multipurpose weed seeds are germinated
All about vegetation and flowering light periods
Nutrients and NPK requirenents, and PH levels
Watering regimes, pruning, topping or lolly pop
Sea of green, or other high yield training tricks
Super bending and organic super soil mixtures
The importance of bat guano or worm castings
The potassium of bananas important to flower
Administer compost tea to keep plants healthy
Study the methods of rearing artisan cannabis
Take pride in your grow and cultivate with love
Have patience to harvest at the optimum time
Learn how to trim, hang, dry and cure the buds
We should all take time to learn the growing art
Make great effort to study cannabis properties
Cultivation, and medical application of hemp oil
May we all become proficient in cultivating herb
And learn the craft of growing high grade weed
It’s a natural life skill that benefits pot growers
Let’s encourage young folks to grow their own
To learn the ancient practice of qanub growing

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