Royal Flush rare anyone gets a royal flush let alone spade from a five card stud
In the story of Patroclus no one survives, not even Achilles who was nearly a god. Patroclus resembled him; they wore the same armor.
“Which of these films was Dirk Bo… not in? One hundredweight of bauxi… makes how much aluminium? how many tales in ‘The Decameron’… General Studies, the upper sixth,…
Love Alone Adoring Souls There can be no barriers For a soul to transcend another Between Eros inspired beings
All We Need No Room For Hate Nests are conceived with love Long before a piece of leaf lifted A beakfull by tiny beakfull of mud…
home brunch friday wild flowers red violets roses blue
love four seasons Celebrate choose love touch with your smile kiss softly speak love tenderly The love you give you receive
My age fallen away like white swad… Floats in the middle distance, bec… An inhabited cloud. I bend closer… A lighted tenement scuttling with… O you tall game I tired myself wi…
Bring me to the blasted oak That I, midnight upon the stroke, (All find safety in the tomb.) May call down curses on his head Because of my dear Jack that’s de…
Let others pray for the passenger… the dodo, the whooping crane, the… everyone must specialize I will confine myself to a meditat… upon the giant tortoises
Free Breakfast Hotels Hot Cocoa Walks Out Exactly the picture in my dream th… The early risers gone now less cro… Got a dining booth for four for tw…
Bound By Honor And you said “yes I am in” And you ran the gauntlet Of hard wood paddles for starters With fires coming out of their end…
Spring Dusting the Patio Set The sweet whistling wings of the m… As they flew and perched on the ir… My room caught me frozen the pair…
Time strength Acceptance hugs Strength is our backbone Helps us in our grief resolution Acceptance gives us understanding An affirmation embracing of our pa…
No sé. Sólo me llega, en el vener… de tus ojos, la lóbrega noticia de Dios; sólo en tus labios, la ca… de un mundo en mies, de un celesti… ¿Eres limpio cristal, o ventisquer…
here and hereafter on this God’s little acre we call earth... there can be no barriers between two souls bound by love
October Red Winds Santa Ana winds Seasonal metamorphosed To fire explosions Hopscotching smoky canyons
Snow Dragon Fire and Ice ‘Twas hot the fire tornado twistin… The spiral ground to the sky pirou… That burned the earth floor left
Some say the world will end in fir… Some say in ice. From what I’ve tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if I had to perish twice,
six weeks cold morning twilights the sun lazily rising sleeping-in in mind second month day two
Every moment in our life is a meditation moment-a reflection, a talking to one’s soul in the most intimate searching way looking at mundane things and can run the range deep into our in...
Mick Jagger and Rolling Stones are still touring and others from generations ago, etc. YouTube is replete with oldies but goodies. Life goes on and anachronism plays a big part of it. E...
Naked Sky Dance A Galactic Milonga Here comes the black new Moon Facing the Sun from its usual sid… Smiley face to Earth unblinking n…
time capsule reckoned eons span seasons history births deaths anniversaries stars rise set rise set again
Let me tell you a little story About Miss Edith Gee; She lived in Clevedon Terrace At number 83. She’d a slight squint in her left…
Now they are no longer any trouble to each other he can turn things over, get down… of things that never happened, all… unfinishable business.
Beyond Epiphany Evergreen Spirit Faithful like a halo the evergreen… Sits smiling on top of the Christ… Since Advent through the festive…
Scatterghost, it can’t float away. And the rain, everybody’s brother, won’t help. And the wind all these… flying like ten crazy sisters ever…
Sacred Spit Untethered Fifty lashes Double for repeats You got caught
Dream Statues “Give me your...” Castles in the
Two days before the Ides, your li… A fiery spirit bold, a heart so ki… Your vibrant cheer, a light for al… A spark that grew into a steadfast… Your laughter echoes bright throug…
El poniente impecable en esplendor… quebró a filo de espada las distan… Suave como un sauzal está la noche… Rojos chisporrotean los remolinos de las bruscas hogue…
Space Paradise ...immortality awaits meanwhile w… You are the one in the dream I ha… Of a luxuriant garden billions of… In that mystical park magical land…
let there be light ...and woman was fashioned *** ©ndr 05.31,2024 Photo: istock
Del otro lado de la puerta un homb… deja caer su corrupción. En vano elevará esta noche una plegaria a su curioso dios, que es tres, do… y se dirá que es inmortal. Ahora
It’s Spring! Good Morning Mothe… ...more coffee please... The blossoming tenderness Blissing with love music dancing r… Of songbirds symphonic calls for m…
Look, the trees are turning their own bodies into pillars of light,
Don’t call this world adorable, or… It’s frisky, and a theater for mor… The eyelash of lightning is neithe… The struck tree burns like a pilla… But the blue rain sinks, straight…
a candle glow gloom doom situations we encounter in our lifetime many times come and go most we overcome
The red fox crosses the ice intent on none of my business. It’s winter and slim pickings. I stand in the bushy cemetery, pretending to watch birds,
Lord Strawberry, a nobleman, collected birds. He had the finest aviary in Europe, so large that eagles did not find it uncomfortable, so well laid out that both humming birds and snow-b...
love true we traveled through the pathway of love good better best warts and all endure
a poem is a city filled with stree… filled with saints, heroes, beggar… filled with banality and booze, filled with rain and thunder and p… drought, a poem is a city at war,
I was a bum in San Francisco but… to go to a symphony concert along… and the music was good but somethi… audience was not and something about the orchestra
Beyond the New Year What a beautiful Fun filled group brotherhood chat Over the moon Joy All out camaraderie
Hand in hand Hand in hand Many a road to walk Many a beach to stroll Many more trails
Crackle and Spark Joy to life all hope Dark clouds move on clear the sky Let the sun shine through Winter woes be gone
First Things First Woken, I lay in the arms of my ow… To a storm enjoying its storminess… Till my ear, as it can when half-a… Set to work to unscramble that int…
There For You Look inside your heart Listen the songbirds
We’re shaped by our lives entwined Through each bond, a path defined Roots that anchor, guide, and grow… Seeds of ourselves that we sow Faith in God speaks within us
And if it snowed and snow covered… he took a spade and tossed it to o… And always tucked his daughter up… And slippered her the one time tha… And every week he tipped up half h…
aura of joy let the amazing astonishing radiant light of your essence
happiness ...a moment filled “There is no way to happiness-happ… the sky the empty canvas
When death comes like the hungry bear in autumn; when death comes and takes all the… to buy me, and snaps the purse shu… when death comes
Unbroken Sail On Dear Brother Bright blue beads sprouted yet sin… With the same aspirations purposes… Honor and pride dreams and despair…
How did I get so dutiful? Was I… Going around as a child with a sma… sweeping up dirt I didn’t make, or out into the yard with a stunte… weeding the gardens of others
Our shells clacked on the plates. My tongue was a filling estuary, My palate hung with starlight: As I tasted the salty Pleiades Orion dipped his foot into the wat…
I staid the night for shelter at a… Behind the mountain, with a mother… Two old-believers. They did all t… Mother. Folks think a witch who h… She could call up to pass a winter…
winter warmest a climate change another most memorable Christmas dinner recipes from great grandma’… kitchen the sweet fragrances of li…
Ho! Ho! Ho! Santa and Rudolph Chipmunks are out singing Bulging cheeks not misbehaving Squirrels in snow been hiding runn…