The children bring us laughter, an… They string our joys, like jewels… They bring the bitterest cares we… Then smile our world to loveliness… The children make us what we are;…
Whatever the task and whatever the… the flag’s in air, The funny man with his sunny ways… be laughing there. There are men who fret, there are…
It is faith that bridges the land… To the realms of the souls departe… That comforts the living in days o… And strengthens the heavy-hearted. It is faith in his dreams that kee…
Oh, my shoulders grow aweary of th… An’ I grumble when I’m footsore a… But I strap my knapsack tighter t… An’ I’m glad to bear the burdens… It’s for them that I am ploddin’,…
The doctor leads a busy life, he w… Long hours he spends to help the o… He cannot call his time his own, n… His duties claim him through the n… And yet the doctor seems to be Go…
There may be finer pleasures than… And better ways to spend a day; th… There may be richer fellowship tha… But if there is, I know it not; i… Oh, some may choose to walk with k…
The kids at our house number three… As different as they can be; And if perchance they numbered six Each one would have particular tri… And certain little whims and fads
There will always be something to… There will always be wrongs to rig… There will always be need for a ma… And men unafraid to fight. There will always be honor to guar…
If I could have my wish to-night… It would not be for some delight t… But it would be that I might rise… With eager, happy, boyish eyes, my… Throughout this world there is no…
Best way to read a book I know Is get a lad of six or so, And curl him up upon my knee Deep in a big arm chair, where we Can catch the warmth of blazing co…
The father toils at his work all d… And he hums this song as he plods… ‘Heigho! for the mother and babe o… Who watch at the window each night… Their smiles are ever before my ey…
Old women say that men don’t know The pain through which all mothers… And maybe that is true, and yet I vow I never shall forget The night he came. I suffered, to…
You can brag about the famous men… You may boast about the great men… Parsons, eloquent and wise; stars… Millionaires and navy admirals, an… Fame and power and wealth and glor…
I like to get to thinking of the o… When there were joys that never mo… The days before inventors smoothed… And made, what seemed but luxuries… When bathrooms were exceptions, an…
‘When I am rich,’ he used to say, ‘A thousand joys I’ll give away; I’ll walk among the poor I find And unto one and all be kind. I’ll place a wreath of roses red
I think my country needs my vote, I know it doesn’t need my throat, My lungs and larynx, too; And so I sit at home at night And teach my children what is righ…
Eagerly he took my dime, Then shuffled on his way, Thick with sin and filth and grime… But I wondered all that day How the man had gone astray.
I WONDER what the trees will sa… The trees that used to share his p… An’ knew him as the little lad Who used to wander with his dad. They’ve watched him grow from year…
When we’ve honored the heroes retu… When we’ve mourned for the heroes… When we’ve done all we can for the… Who stood to the shot and the shel… Let us all keep in mind those who…
Some folks there be who seem to ne… An’ reckon all the joys that have… Some think that pleasure’s only fo… An’ where an orchestra’s at work t… Still others seek it at their play…
When an old man gets to thinking o… He hears again the laughter of the… He isn’t counting money, and he is… He’s at home with friendly people… When he’s lived through all life’s…
I wonder where’s a better job than… And chocolate drops and sugar buns… And who has every day to face a fi… Than buying frills and furbelows f… Oh, you may brag how much you know…
Men talk too much of gold and fame… And not enough about a name; And yet a good name’s better far Than all earth’s glistening jewels… Who holds his name above all price
Strange thoughts come to the man a… ’Tis then, if ever, he talks with… And views himself as a single clod In the soil of life where the soul… ’Tis then he questions the why and…
We’re gittin’ so we need again To see the sproutin’ seed again. We’ve been shut up all winter long Within our narrow rooms; We’re sort o’ shriveled up an’ dry…
When father couldn’t wear them mot… She took the slack in fore and aft… They fitted rather loosely, but th… Were the horizontal pockets that t… They shone like patent leather jus…
Tuggin’ at your bottle, An’ it’s O, you’re mighty sweet! Just a bunch of dimples From your top-knot to your feet, Lying there an’ gooin’
Is it all in the envelope holding… Is that all you’re working for day… Are you getting no more from your… That little enclosure of paper wil… Is that all you’re after; is that…
Little girlie, kneeling there, Speaking low your evening prayer, In your cunning little nightie With your pink toes peeping throug… With your eyes closed and your han…
We’ve never seen the Father here,… The finest type of manhood since t… And, summing up the works of God,… The greatest is the Son He sent t… Through Him we learned the ways o…
When a little baby dies And the wee form silent lies, And the little cheeks seem waxen And the little hands are still, Then your soul gives way to treaso…
I have no wish, my little lad, To climb the towering heights of f… I am content to be your dad And share with you each pleasant g… I am content to hold your hand
Pete bristles when the doorbell ri… Last night he didn’t act the same. Dogs have a way of knowin’ things, An’ when the dreaded cable came, He looked at mother an’ he whined
The golden dreamboat’s ready, all… And the breeze is gently blowing t… And the fairy’s captain’s waiting… With the silver dust of slumber, c… Oh, the night is rich with moonlig…
The good old-fashioned mothers and… With their good old-fashioned lass… Still walk the lanes of loving in… As they used to do back yonder in… They dwell in every city and they…
Sometimes I’m almost glad to hear… And though I try to look severe,… When mother sadly tells to me the… Because when they come tearfully,… I like to have them all alone, wit…
One day the doctor came because my… And when he looked inside to see h… It’s tonserlitis, sure enough. Yo… To make his mind up now to have th… I’d heard him talk that way before…
They come to my room at the break… With their faces all smiles and th… They come on their tip-toes and si… To the edge of the bed where I’m… And then at a signal, on which the…
I do not ask a store of wealth, Nor special gift of power; I hope always for strength and hea… To brave each troubled hour. But life would be distinctly good,
When I was but a little lad, not… I noticed in a general way my dad… He liked the little ways I had, t… Sometimes he gave me words of prai… And when I’d done a thing worth w…
‘I’m never alone in the garden,' h… never alone with the flowers. It seems like I’m meeting the won… out here with these blossoms of ou… An’ there’s never a bush or a plan…
These joys are free to all who liv… The rich and poor, the great and l… The charms which kindness has to g… The smiles which friendship may be… The honor of a well-spent life,
There are little eyes upon you, an… There are little ears that quickly… There are little hands all eager t… And a little boy that’s dreaming o… You’re the little fellow’s idol, y…
A feller don’t start in to think o… the part that he’s playin’ down he… When there’s nobody lookin’ to him… an’ he don’t give a thought to nex… His faults don’t seem big an’ his…
A convalescin’ woman does the stra… An’ it’s wonderful the courage tha… O, it’s never safe to leave her fo… Or you’ll find th’ doctor’s good w… There’s that wife o’ mine, I reck…
Whenever I walk through God’s Ac… I wonder how often the mute voices… ‘I will do a kind deed or will lig… Or rise to a sacrifice splendid– t… I wonder how many fine thoughts un…
He was battle-scarred and ugly wit… And we knew that British Tommy ha… So we asked him where he got it an… And he answered, blushing scarlet:… There were medals on his jacket, b…
With time our notions allus change… An’ years make old idees seem stra… Take Mary there– time was when sh… Thought one child made a family, An’ when our eldest, Jim, was bor…
He couldn’t use his driver any bet… Than the chap that he was licking,… I could hit them with a brassie ju… But I piled up several sevens whi… And he trimmed me to a finish, and…
My Pa can hit his thumbnail with… He can cut himself while shaving a… If a ladder slips beneath him an’… He can smile as though he really d… But the pan beneath the ice-box—wh…
Down to work o’ mornings, an’ back… Down to hours o’ labor, an’ home t… Down to care an’ trouble, an’ home… With every day a good one, an’ eve… Down to dreary dollars, an’ back t…