We little thought how much they me… And British mothers wearing black… The war was, O, so distant then,… We couldn’t see the weeping eyes,… We couldn’t sense the weight of wo…
I notice when the news comes in Of one who’s claimed eternal glory… This simple phrase, ‘the next of k… Concludes the soldier’s final stor… This tells the world what voice wi…
There are many to cheer when the b… There are many to shout for the ri… There are many to rail at the worl… But few have the grit for the figh… There are thousands to start with…
Mine is a song of hope For the days that lie before; For the grander things The morrow brings When the struggle days are o’er.
Oh, some shall stand in glory’s li… And many a mother there shall say,… But I shall stand in silence then… For I must answer at the last tha… When all this age shall pass away,…
He tried to travel No Man’s Land… He tried to race the road of death… Now he’s asking of his doctor, and… How soon he will be ready for anot… You’d think if you had wakened in…
He didn’t seem to care for work, h… His speech was slow and commonplac… And yet until the war broke out yo… For nothing in his make-up or his… He seemed indifferent to the world…
Here we are, Britain! the finest… Taking our coats off and rolling o… Answering the thoughtless that onc… Each man a soldier for what he bel… Here we are, tight little island,…
When you were just our little boy,… Unto your cot and watched o’er you… We tucked the covers round your fo… And sometimes stooped and kissed y… Just as we came to you back then t…
‘Do your bit!’ How cheap and trit… Seems that phrase in such a fight! ‘Do your bit!’ That cry recall, Change it now to ‘Do your all!’ Do your all, and then do more;
‘The worst is yet to come:’ So wail the doubters glum, But here’s the better view; ‘My best I’ve yet to do.’ The worst some always fear;
I sometimes wonder when I read th… If I shall wear that look of care… My little boy is five years old an… My little boy is home with me; his… And I can laugh and dance with li…
‘What is the glory of age?’ I sai… ‘A hoard of gold and a few dear fr… When you’ve reached the day that y… And see the place where your journ… When Time has robbed you of youth…
To us the Flag has little meant. Each glorious stripe of red Was woven there to represent The blood of heroes dead. On some dim, distant battle line
No war is won by cannon fire alone… The soldier bears the grim and dre… He dies to serve the Flag that he… His duty is to gain the distant go… But if the toiler in his homeland…
We have wandered afar in our hunti… We have scorned the soul’s duty to… We have lived for our laughter and… And paid little heed to the soul’s… But light were the burdens that fr…
Forgotten petty difference now, The larger purpose glows, The storm is here, a common fear Its deadly lightning shows. The Ship of State must bear us al…
Listen to the laughter of the broo… Listen to the chatter of the black… Stand an’ see the beauties of the… Then ask of God why mortals haven… Than to quarrel an’ to battle
He was just a small church parson… Looked and dressed and acted like… He wore the cleric’s broadcloth an… But he had a man’s religion and he… And he heard the call to duty, and…
I may never be a hero, I am past… There are pencil marks of silver… I shall win no service medals, I… I shall never fight a battle highe… But I hope my children’s children…
Some will heed the call to arms, But all must heed the call to grit… The dreamers on the distant farms Must rally now to do their bit. The whirring lathes in factories g…
For strength to face the battle’s… For men that dare to die for right… For hearts above the lure of gold And fortune’s soft and pleasant wa… For courage of our days of old,
I’d like to be the sort of man the flag could boast about; I’d like to be the sort of man it cannot live without; I’d like to be the type of man
It’s funny when a feller wants to… And wants to wear a uniform and lu… And ain’t afraid of submarines nor… They will not let him go along to… They make him stay at home and be…
The finest tribute we can pay Unto our hero dead to-day, Is not a rose wreath, white and re… In memory of the blood they shed; It is to stand beside each mound,
He came down the stairs on the lau… Where patriots were eating and dri… The tap of his crutch on the marbl… Caught my ear as I sat all alone… I turned—and a soldier my eyes fel…
Oh, we have friends in England, a… And should we have to travel there… Undaunted we should sail away, and… Because awaiting us would be someb… Full many a journey here we make w…
We need a few more optimists, The kind that double up their fist… And set their jaws, determined-lik… A blow at infamy to strike. Not smiling men, who drift along
He’s doing double duty now; Time’s silver gleams upon his brow… And there are lines upon his face Which only passing years can trace… And yet he’s turned back many a pa…
They give their all, this Christm… Upon the snows of Flanders now, b… With ribbons red we deck our gifts… They give their lives that joy sha… They pass that all that makes for…
Come you with dangers to fright us… to try out our souls? Then may you find us undaunted; de… get to our goals. Now, white are the pages you bring…
Less hate and greed Is what we need And more of service true; More men to love The flag above
The men are talking peace at ‘ome,… There’s many a little debt we’ve g… A sniper sent a bullet through my… And ’is body’s lying somewhere h’o… Oh, we 'ear a lot of rumors that t…
We all are warriors with sin. Cru… we come to earth With spotless plumes and shining s… with foes and prove our worth. The world is but a battlefield whe…
When an empty sleeve or a sightles… Or a legless form I see, I breathe my thanks to my God on… For His watchful care o’er me. And I say to myself, as the cripp…
Because I am his father, they Expect me to put grief away; Because I am a man, and rough And sometimes short of speech and… The women folks at home believe
The officers’ friend is the waiter… In the night air ’twas cold and wa… And they asked me to dine, which… For at dining I’ve talents I neve… Then a bright-eyed young fellow ca…
When he was just a lad in school, He used to sit around and fool And watch the clock and say: ‘I can’t see that I’ll ever need This stuff the teacher makes me re…
Here’s to you, little mother, With your boy so far away; May the joy of service smother All your grief this Christmas day… May the magic of his splendor
Better than land or gold or trade Are a high ideal and a purpose tru… Better than all of the wealth we’v… Is the work for others that now we… For Rome grew rich and she turned…
‘My Crown Prince was fine and fai… father said, ‘But he marched away with his regi… they tell me that he’s dead! ‘We all must go,’ he whispered low…
The biggest moment in our lives wa… From that day unto this, for him,… We can recount his daily deeds, an… And proudly live again the time wh… I see him trudging off to school,…
You have given me riches and ease, You have given me joys through the… I have sat in the shade of your tr… With the song of your birds in my… I have drunk of your bountiful win…
God grant my children may Not think in terms of gold When I have passed away And my poor form is cold. When I no more shall be,
If through the years we’re not to… Much finer deeds than we have done… If we must merely wander through Time’s garden, idling in the sun; If there is nothing big ahead,
The saddest sort of death to die Would be to quit the game called l… And know, beneath the gentle sky, You’d lived a slacker in the strif… That nothing men on earth would fi…
Though victory’s proof of the skil… Defeat is the proof of your grit; A weakling can smile in his days o… But at trouble’s first sign he wil… So the test of the heart and the t…
I follow a famous father, His honor is mine to wear; He gave me a name that was free fr… A name he was proud to bear. He lived in the morning sunlight,
He was playing in the garden when… But he didn’t seem to hear us, so… What the little rogue was up to, a… When he heard his mother calling,… ‘I am playing war,’ he told me, 'a…
Search history, my boy, and see What petty selfishness has done. Find if you can one victory That little minds have ever won. There is no record there to read
It’s good to have the trees again,… It’s good to see the lilacs bloom… It’s good that we can feel again t… For hearts and minds, of sorrow no… The roses haven’t changed a bit, n…
When will the laughter ring again… Not till the soldiers come home ag… When will the holly gleam again an… Not till the swords are sheathed o… When will happy hearts meet again…
We shall thank our God for graces That we’ve never known before; We shall look on manlier faces When our troubled days are o’er. We shall rise a better nation