#AmericanWriters #XIXCentury #1855 #LeavesOfGrass
A great year and place A harsh discordant natal scream ou… heart closer than any yet. I walk’d the shores of my Eastern… Heard over the waves the little vo…
AMERICA always! Always our own feuillage! Always Florida’s green peninsula!… less delta of Louisiana! Always t… of Alabama and Texas!
After the dazzle of day is gone, Only the dark, dark night shows to… After the clangor of organ majesti… Silent, athwart my soul, moves the…
O Captain! my Captain, our fearfu… The ship has weather’d every rack,… The port is near, the bells I hea… While follow eyes the steady keel,… But O heart! heart! heart!
Add to your show, before you close… With all the rest, visible, concre… and ores, Our sentiment wafted from many mil… (We grand-sons and great-grandsons…
Good-bye my Fancy! Farewell dear mate, dear love! I’m going away, I know not where, Or to what fortune, or whether I… So Good-bye my Fancy.
HE is wisest who has the most cau… He only wins who goes far enough. ANY thing is as good as establish… lished that will produce it and co…
I SAY whatever tastes sweet to t… —That is finally right. I SAY the human shape or face is… never be made ridiculous; I say for ornaments nothing outré…
Full of life, now, compact, visibl… I, forty years old the Eighty-thi… To one a century hence, or any num… To you, yet unborn, these, seeking… When you read these, I, that was…
Shot gold, maroon and violet, dazz… The earth’s whole amplitude and N… for once to colors; The light, the general air possess… No limit, confine—not the Western…
YOU just maturing youth! You mal… Remember the organic compact of T… Remember the pledge of the Old Th… life, liberty, equality of man, Remember what was promulged by the…
Come, said my Soul Such verses for my Body let us wr… That should I after death invisib… Or, long, long hence, in other sph… There to some group of mates the c…
Of obedience, faith, adhesiveness; As I stand aloof and look there i… in large masses of men following t… men.
When I heard at the close of the… with plaudits in the capitol, stil… follow’d, And else when I carous’d, or when… was not happy,
Forms, qualities, lives, humanity,… The ones known, and the ones unkno… The stars themselves, some shaped,… Wonders as of those countries, the… whatever they may be,