#AmericanWriters #XIXCentury #1855 #LeavesOfGrass
Here first the duties of to-day, t… Wealth, order, travel, shelter, pr… As of the building of some varied,… Whence to arise inevitable in time… The solid-planted spires tall shoo…
Endless unfolding of words of ages… And mine a word of the modern, the… A word of the faith that never bal… Here or henceforward it is all the… It alone is without flaw, it alone…
Ever the undiscouraged, resolute,… (Have former armies fail’d? then w… Ever the grappled mystery of all e… Ever the eager eyes, hurrahs, the… Ever the soul dissatisfied, curiou…
Did we count great, O soul, to pe… Absorbing deep and full from thoug… But now from thee to me, caged bir… Filling the air, the lonesome room… Is it not just as great, O soul?
With antecedents, With my fathers and mothers and th… With all which, had it not been,… With Egypt, India, Phenicia, Gre… With the Kelt, the Scandinavian,…
Of obedience, faith, adhesiveness; As I stand aloof and look there i… in large masses of men following t… men.
Spontaneous me, Nature, The loving day, the mounting sun,… The arm of my friend hanging idly… The hill-side whiten’d with blosso… The same, late in autumn—the hues…
As I sit with others at a great f… To my mind, (whence it comes I kn… at sea, Of certain ships, how they sail fr… wafted kisses, and that is the las…
Passage O soul to India! Eclaircise the myths Asiatic, the… Not you alone, proud truths of the… Nor you alone, ye facts of modern… But myths and fables of eld, Asia…
A song of the rolling earth, and o… Were you thinking that those were… curves, angles, dots? No, those are not the words, the s… and sea,
Now finale to the shore, Now land and life finale and farew… Now Voyager depart, (much, much f… Often enough hast thou adventur’d… Cautiously cruising, studying the…
1 ELEMENTAL drifts! O I wish I could impress others a… have just been impressing me. 2 As I ebb’d with an ebb of the… As I wended the shores I know,
Spirit whose work is done—spirit o… Ere departing fade from my eyes yo… Spirit of gloomiest fears and doub… Spirit of many a solemn day and ma… That with muttering voice through…
At the last, tenderly, From the walls of the powerful for… From the clasp of the knitted lock… doors, Let me be wafted.
OR, from that Sea of Time, Spray, blown by the wind—a double… (O little shells, so curious-convo… Yet will you not, to the tympans o… Murmurs and echoes still bring up—…