#AmericanWriters #1977 #LoveIsADogFromHell
Information has been received in this office indicating that you were arrested by the Los Angeles Police Department on March 12, 1969, on a drunk charge. In this connection, your atten...
maybe I’ll win the Irish Sweepsta… maybe I’ll go nuts maybe Harcourt Brace will call or maybe unemployment insurance or rich lesbian at the top of a hill.
had it for a year, really put in lot of bedroom time, slept upright on two pillows to keep from coughing, all the blood drained from my head
I began getting dizzy spells. I could feel them coming. The case would begin to whirl. The spells lasted about a minute. I couldn’t understand it. Each letter was getting heavier and he...
and so we suck on a cigar and a beer attempting to mend the love
After dinner we came back and we talked. She was a health food addict and didn’t eat meat except for chicken and fish. It certainly worked for her. “Hank,” she said, “tomorrow I’m going...
you just don’t know how to do it, you know that, and you can’t do a lot of other useful things either. it’s the fault of the
He hinted at times that I was a bastard and I told him to listen to Brahms, and I told him to learn to paint and drink and not be dominated by women and dollars but he screamed at me, F...
at high noon at a small college near the beach sober the sweat running down my arms a spot of sweat on the table
Vallejo writing about loneliness while starving to death; Van Gogh’s ear rejected by a whore;
cleaned my place the other day first time in ten years and found 100 rejected poems: fastened them all to a clipboard much bad reading.
your life is your life don’t let it be clubbed into dank… be on the watch. there are ways out. there is a light somewhere.
with old cars, especially when you… and drive them for many years a love affair is inevitable: you even learn to accept their little
vain vanilla ladies strutting while van Gogh did it to himself. girls pulling on silk hose
my grandmother had a serious gas problem. we only saw her on Sunday. she’d sit down to dinner and she’d have gas.