#AmericanWriters #XIXCentury #1855 #LeavesOfGrass
I believe a leaf of grass is no le… And the pismire is equally perfect… And the tree-toad is a chef-d’oeuv… And the running blackberry would a… And the narrowest hinge in my hand…
Flaunt of the sunshine I need not… You light surfaces only, I force… Earth! you seem to look for someth… Say, old top-knot, what do you wan… Man or woman, I might tell how I…
Courage yet, my brother or my sist… Keep on—Liberty is to be subserv’… That is nothing that is quell’d by… failures, Or by the indifference or ingratit…
To conclude, I announce what come… I remember I said before my leave… I would raise my voice jocund and… When America does what was promis… When through these States walk a…
I sit and look out upon all the so… oppression and shame; I hear secret convulsive sobs from… themselves, remorseful after deeds… I see, in low life, the mother mis…
Thee for my recitative, Thee in the driving storm even as… Thee in thy panoply, thy measur’d… Thy black cylindric body, golden b… Thy ponderous side-bars, parallel…
IN the new garden, in all the par… In cities now, modern, I wander, Though the second or third result,… Days, places, indifferent—though v… Time, Paradise, the Mannahatta, t…
A Glimpse, through an interstice… Of a crowd of workmen and drivers… late of a winter night—And I unre… Of a youth who loves me, and whom… seating himself near, that he may…
The sobbing of the bells, the sudd… The slumberers rouse, the rapport… (Full well they know that message… Full well return, respond within t… reverberations,)
Has any one supposed it lucky to b… I hasten to inform him or her it i… I pass death with the dying and bi… And peruse manifold objects, no tw… The earth good and the stars good,…
Centre of equal daughters, equal s… All, all alike endear’d, grown, un… Strong, ample, fair, enduring, cap… Perennial with the Earth, with Fr… A grand, sane, towering, seated M…
Stretch’d and still lies the midni… Two great hulls motionless on the… Our vessel riddled and slowly sink… The captain on the quarter-deck co… Near by the corpse of the child th…
To get the final lilt of songs, To penetrate the inmost lore of po… Job, Homer, Eschylus, Dante, Sha… To diagnose the shifting-delicate… truly understand,
BATHED in war’s perfume—delicat… O to hear you call the sailors and… a beautiful woman! O to hear the tramp, tramp, of a m… O the ships they arm with joy!
They shall arise in the States, They shall report Nature, laws, p… They shall illustrate Democracy a… They shall be alimentive, amative,… They shall be complete women and m…