#AmericanWriters #FemaleWriters #XIXCentury
247 What would I give to see his face… I’d give—I’d give my life—of cour… But that is not enough! Stop just a minute—let me think!
HE preached upon “breadth” till i… The broad are too broad to define: And of “truth” until it proclaimed… The truth never flaunted a sign. Simplicity fled from his counterfe…
697 I could bring You Jewels—had I a… But You have enough—of those— I could bring You Odors from St.… Colors—from Vera Cruz—
I am afraid to own a Body - I am afraid to own a Soul - Profound– precarious Property – Possession, not optional - Double Estate - entailed at plea…
XXII I GAVE myself to him, And took himself for pay. The solemn contract of a life Was ratified this way.
578 The Body grows without— The more convenient way— That if the Spirit—like to hide Its Temple stands, alway,
369 She lay as if at play Her life had leaped away— Intending to return— But not so soon—
The Snow that never drifts - The transient, fragrant snow That comes a single time a Year Is softly driving now - So thorough in the Tree
359 I gained it so— By Climbing slow— By Catching at the Twigs that gro… Between the Bliss—and me—
453 Love—thou art high— I cannot climb thee— But, were it Two— Who know but we—
353 A happy lip—breaks sudden— It doesn’t state you how It contemplated—smiling— Just consummated—now—
482 We Cover Thee—Sweet Face— Not that We tire of Thee— But that Thyself fatigue of Us— Remember—as Thou go—
635 I think the longest Hour of all Is when the Cars have come— And we are waiting for the Coach— It seems as though the Time
922 Those who have been in the Grave… Those who begin Today— Equally perish from our Practise— Death is the other way—
806 A Planted Life—diversified With Gold and Silver Pain To prove the presence of the Ore In Particles—'tis when