Out of it steps our future, throug… Enigmas, executioners and rules, Her Majesty in a bad temper or A red-nosed Fool who makes a fool… Great persons eye it in the twilig…
If all a top physicist knows About the Truth be true, Then, for all the so-and-so’s, Futility and grime, Our common world contains,
Give me a doctor partridge-plump, Short in the leg and broad in the… An endomorph with gentle hands Who’ll never make absurd demands That I abandon all my vices
Unbiased at least he was when he a… Having never set eyes on the land… Between two peoples fanatically at… With their different diets and inc… “Time,” they had briefed him in L…
We, too, had known golden hours When body and soul were in tune, Had danced with our true loves By the light of a full moon, And sat with the wise and good
A cloudless night like this Can set the spirit soaring: After a tiring day The clockwork spectacle is Impressive in a slightly boring
The Ogre does what ogres can, Deeds quite impossible for Man, But one prize is beyond his reach, The Ogre cannot master Speech: About a subjugated plain,
Perfection, of a kind, was what he… And the poetry he invented was eas… He knew human folly like the back… And was greatly interested in armi… When he laughed, respectable senat…
At last the secret is out, as it always must come in the end, the delicious story is ripe to tel… to tell to the intimate friend; over the tea-cups and into the squ…
For what as easy For what thought small, For what is well Because between, To you simply
He disappeared in the dead of wint… The brooks were frozen, the airpor… And snow disfigured the public sta… The mercury sank in the mouth of t… What instruments we have agree
Look, stranger, at this island now The leaping light for your delight… Stand stable here And silent be, That through the channels of the e…
About suffering they were never wr… The Old Masters; how well, they u… Its human position; how it takes p… While someone else is eating or op… How, when the aged are reverently,…
Among pelagian travelers, Lost on their lewd conceited way To Massachusetts, Michigan, Miami or L.A., An airborne instrument I sit,
Base words are uttered only by the… And can for such at once be unders… But noble platitudes:—ah, there’s… Where the most careful scrutiny is… To tell a voice that’s genuinely g…