The sun, with his great eye, Sees not so much as I; And the moon, all silver-proud, Might as well be in a cloud. And O the spring– the spring
Just at the self-same beat of Tim… Hyperion slid into the rustled air… And Saturn gain’d with Thea that… Where Cybele and the bruised Tita… It was a den where no insulting li…
To-night I’ll have my friar—let m… About my room,—I’ll have it in th… It should be rich and sombre, and… Just in its mid-life in the midst… Should look thro’ four large windo…
As late I rambled in the happy fi… What time the skylark shakes the t… From his lush clover covert;—when… Adventurous knights take up their… I saw the sweetest flower wild nat…
Can death be sleep, when life is b… And scenes of bliss pass as a phan… The transient pleasures as a visio… And yet we think the greatest pain… How strange it is that man on eart…
Read me a lesson, Muse, and speak… Upon the top of Nevis, blind in m… I look into the chasms, and a shro… Vapourous doth hide them,—just so… Mankind do know of hell; I look o…
MINUTES are flying swiftly, and… Nothing unearthly has enticed my b… Into a delphic Labyrinth I would… Catch an unmortal thought to pay t… I owe to the kind Poet who has se…
Standing aloof in giant ignorance, Of thee I hear and of the Cyclade… As one who sits ashore and longs p… To visit dolphin—coral in deep sea… So thou wast blind;—but then the v…
Spirit here that reignest! Spirit here that painest! Spirit here that burneth! Spirit here that mourneth! Spirit! I bow
As Hermes once took to his feathe… When lulled Argus, baffled, swoon… So on a Delphic reed, my idle spr… So played, so charmed, so conquere… The dragon-world of all its hundre…
No! those days are gone away And their hours are old and gray, And their minutes buried all Under the down-trodden pall Of the leaves of many years:
Ah! ken ye what I met the day Out oure the Mountains A coming down by craggi[e]s grey An mossie fountains— A[h] goud hair’d Marie yeve I pra…
Haydon! forgive me that I cannot… Definitively of these mighty thing… Forgive me, that I have not eagle… That what I want I know not where… And think that I would not be ove…
Hence Burgundy, Claret, and Port… Away with old Hock and madeira, Too earthly ye are for my sport; There’s a beverage brighter and cl… Instead of a piriful rummer,
Byron! how sweetly sad thy melody! Attuning still the soul to tendern… As if soft Pity, with unusual str… Had touch’d her plaintive lute, an… Hadst caught the tones, nor suffer…