#AmericanWriters #1993 #ThePleasuresOfTheDamned
call it the greenhouse effect or w… but it just doesn’t rain like it u… I particularly remember the rains… depression era. there wasn’t any money but there w…
On Thursday night Bobby phoned again. “Hey, man, what are you doing?” “Oh, come on, man, I’ll just stay for a few beers. . . .” “You treat him mean. He gets lonely when his wife is at w...
yeah sure, I’ll be in unless I’m… don’t knock if the lights are out or you hear voices or then I might be reading Proust if someone slips Proust under my d…
Vallejo writing about loneliness while starving to death; Van Gogh’s ear rejected by a whore;
has been going on for some time. there is this young waitress where… at the racetrack. how are you doing today?” she asks… winning pretty good,” I reply.
I’ve always had trouble with money. this one place I worked everybody ate hot dogs and potato chips
some people never go crazy. me, sometimes I’ll lie down behind… for 3 or 4 days. they’ll find me there. it’s Cherub, they’ll say, and
the blue pencil of the wave shots of yellow road a steering wheel an insane woman sitting next to you
Lydia had two children; Tonto, a boy of 8, and Lisa, the little girl of 5 who had interrupted our first fuck. We were together at the table one night eating dinner. Things were going we...
you sit on the couch with me tonight new woman. have you seen the
the telephone has not been kind of… of late there have been more and m… from people who want to come over… from people who are depressed from people who are lonely
love, he said, gas kiss me off kiss my lips kiss my hair my fingers
he buys 5 cars a month, details th… them out, then resells them at a profit of one or… he has a nice Jewish wife and he t… bangs her until the walls shake.
he was just a cat cross-eyed, dirty white with pale blue eyes
Then Joyce wanted to go back to the city. For all the draw– backs, that little town, haircuts or not, beat city life. It was quiet. We had our own house. Joyce fed me well.) Plenty of m...