William Barnes

Spring: Eclogue



John and Richard.



Zoo you be in your groun’ then, I do zee,
A-worken and a-zingen lik’ a bee.
How do it answer? what d’ye think about it?
D’ye think ’tis better wi’ it than without it?
A-recknen rent, an’ time, an’ zeed to stock it,
D’ye think that you be any thing in pocket?


O’, ’tis a goodish help to woone, I’m sure o’t.
If I had not a-got it, my poor bwones
Would now ha’ eaech’d a-cracken stwones
Upon the road; I wish I had zome mwore o’t.


I wish the girt woones had a-got the greaece
To let out land lik’ this in ouer pleaece;
But I do fear there’ll never be nwone vor us,
An’ I can’t tell whatever we shall do:
We be a-most starven, an’ we’d goo
To 'merica, if we’d enough to car us.


Why 'twer the squire, good now! a worthy man,
That vu’st brought into ouer pleaece the plan,
He zaid he’d let a vew odd eaecres
O’ land to us poor leaeb’ren men;
An’, faith, he had enough o’ teaekers
Vor that, an’ twice so much ageaen.
Zoo I took zome here, near my hovel,
To exercise my speaede an’ shovel;
An’ what wi’ dungen, diggen up, an’ zeeden,
A-thinnen, cleaenen, howen up an’ weeden,
I, an’ the biggest o’ the childern too,
Do always vind some useful jobs to do.


Aye, wi’ a bit o’ ground, if woone got any,
Woone’s bwoys can soon get out an’ eaern a penny;
An’ then, by worken, they do learn the vaster
The way to do things when they have a meaester;
Vor woone must know a deael about the land
Bevore woone’s fit to lend a useful hand,
In geaerden or a-vield upon a farm.


An’ then the work do keep em out o’ harm;
Vor vo’ks that don’t do nothen wull be vound
Soon doen woorse than nothen, I’ll be bound.
But as vor me, d’ye zee, with theaese here bit
O’ land, why I have ev’ry thing a’mwost:
Vor I can fatten vowels for the spit,
Or zell a good fat goose or two to rwoast;
An’ have my beaens or cabbage, greens or grass,
Or bit o’ wheat, or, sich my happy feaete is,
That I can keep a little cow, or ass,
An’ a vew pigs to eat the little teaeties.


An’ when your pig’s a-fatted pretty well
Wi’ teaeties, or wi’ barley an’ some bran,
Why you’ve a-got zome vlitches vor to zell,
Or hang in chimney-corner, if you can.


Aye, that’s the thing; an’ when the pig do die,
We got a lot ov offal for to fry,
An’ netlens for to bwoil; or put the blood in,
An’ meaeke a meal or two o’ good black-pudden.


I’d keep myzelf from parish, I’d be bound,
If I could get a little patch o’ ground.
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